Wednesday, 30 November 2011

I found a really great short films that relate well to our project. Both share the genre of romance and are beautifully shot and edited. Given that we are currently in the process of filming these films have given me and Emma lots of inspiration for new ideas on how to frame shots and how we could edit our footage eg tones and lighting.

Half from Alex Bohs on Vimeo.


Written, Directed & Edited by: 
Alex Bohs

Cinematography by:
Mark Johnson

This cute split screen short film really excited me when I came across it. It is defiantly close to what me and Emma want to achieve with our music video, although we understand that this may be ambitious it feel it's possible too! The creative use of reflection and repetition of actions really adds to the value of the production - it allows the audience to understand that the characters share qualities and lives that are compatible. The use of the journal/sketch book connotes memorise, something that me and Emma want to explore along with nostalgia, and pieces of writing and drawings are ways one may document their life. I felt the animation really added another dimension to this production, it gave it a story book feel, again something me and Emma want to achieve. Perhaps me and Emma will experiment with small animations in the editing stages of out work to see if we can create the same effect. 

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